Schedule by Text!
You can now schedule dental appointments by texting us! Simply message us with your request at our usual business number (860) 653-7596...
8 Of The Most Common Dental Questions
Q: Which type of toothbrush should I use? A: The brand of the toothbrush is not as critical as the type of bristle and the size of the...
How Does Invisalign Work?
Invisalign straightens your teeth with a series of clear, virtually invisible custom-molded aligners. By using a series of clear,...
What Are Veneers?
Veneers are a dental procedure in which a covering is placed over the outside (visible area) of the tooth. Veneers are usually only done...
Common Pediatric Dental Questions / Issues
Q. When should I first bring my child to the dentist? A: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that a child be seen by a...
Stories from the Skaret Family Dinner Table...
As a kid, the kitchen was always the center of our house. The dinner table served not only as a place for us to gather each night as a...
Your Child's First Dental Visit
Pictured Above is Dr. Allen and her assistant Heather working with a child whose enjoying Frozen while their teeth are cleaned. As...
Five Great Reasons to LOVE Flossing
People who floss every day are taking a significant step in keeping their teeth clean and healthy! Flossing was invented by Dr. Levi...
Commonly Asked Questions about Thumbsucking Should parents worry about toddler sucking? Toddlers commonly suck on fingers and thumbs. ...
Back to School, Back to the Dentist
We are starting to see the first leaves change on our trees...and we all know what that's almost back-to-school time! We want...